Proverbs Chapter 28 Summary

Warnings and Instructions.

Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 28

  1. What is meant when verse 3 says that an oppressive leader is like “a driving rain that leaves no food” (CSB)? Why is oppressing the poor like this? Is it right to overthrow a government that is acting like this? Why or why not? Remember to use Scripture to make your case.
  2. In what ways does society not understand justice (verse 5, CSB)? How can you encourage the people around you to seek justice and understanding, but on God's terms?
  3. How does rejecting the law lead to praise for the wicked? Is this talking about your nation's laws or the Torah? Why? Remember to use Scripture to make your case.
  4. How does heaping up interest and unjust gain lead to loss? What biblical principles guide us in fair dealings? How does your life need to change to match these principles?
  5. What does it mean to confess your sins? The Lord already knows your mistakes, so why do we do it?
  6. Why is the one who walks in integrity delivered? Were you walking with integrity when you were delivered from sin? How should a person reconcile these ideas?
  7. In what ways does rebuking someone lead to more flavor than flattery? How have you seen this play out in your life?
  8. Why might someone consider robbing a parent to not be sinful? In what other ways can this be applied?
  9. How does the greedy stir up strife? How have you seen this in your own life?
  10. Reflect on the fool and the wise in this chapter. In what ways do you need to change your life to be more like the wise man?

Key Words/Phrase

Proverbs (25:1).



Strong Verse(s)

4, 6, 9, 13, 26.