Proverbs Chapter 27 Summary
Warnings and Instructions.
Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 27
- You are not promised tomorrow. Would you be pleased with the state of your relationships if your life ended today? How can you seek out reconciliation today?
- Since tomorrow is not promised to you, how do you know if you are righteous before the Lord? Read Romans 3:10-12. Do you seek God like He wants you to seek Him? Why or why not?
- Who have you been concealing love from? What steps will you take to show your love for that person?
- Why is a person who wanders from their home like a bird that strays from its nest? Read Philippians 3:20. How else can the concept of “home” be applied? How does this give additional meaning to verse 8?
- Why is loudly blessing a friend early in the morning like a curse? Is it a curse to you or the friend? Why?
- How do you sharpen your brothers or sisters in Christ? Think about what happens when a person sharpens a knife. How does it work? How does this process help us understand verse 17?
- Why is the grave never satisfied? How do the eyes of man mirror this? How can being content bring out the best in your life?
- How can you refine your praise to the Lord? Why is refining your praise to Him a good thing to do?
- How does a fool’s punishment, which is discussed at length in Proverbs, relate to verse 22? Why do you think it is so hard for a fool to learn a lesson from his mistakes?
- Reflect on the fool and the wise in this chapter. In what ways do you need to change your life to be more like the wise man?
Key Words/Phrase
Proverbs (25:1).
Solomon, his son.
Strong Verse(s)
1, 6.