Proverbs Chapter 24 Summary
Warnings and Instructions.
Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 24
- In what ways do you see Christians envy unbelievers? How can you turn from that and remember the blessings we’ve been given?
- What is the difference between wisdom, knowledge, and understanding? How do verses 3 and 4 help you understand the differences?
- How have you planned evil (rather than stumble into it) in your life? How did that end up for you?
- Who in your life do you know is headed for spiritual or physical destruction? How can you lead them to the One who can rescue them this week?
- Have you ever repeatedly fallen into the same sin over and over like verse 16, even though you didn't want to? What did you do to finally get out of that rut? How can you encourage a brother or sister that seems to be in a similar rut?
- In what ways can we avoid fretting because of evildoers, as suggested in verse 19, and maintain our trust in God’s justice? How will you show your trust for His justice to the Lord this week?
- Verses all over the Bible tell us to fear the Lord, but what does it mean to fear the king? How will you put this into practice this week?
- Why is verse 29 so difficult to follow? What will you do to better follow it this week?
- The home of a slacker, described in verses 30–34, is not something anyone wants. How can you prevent this mindset in your heart? What will motivate you to do better than the slacker?
- What ways did this chapter reveal changes that need to be made in your life to better honor the Lord?
Key Words/Phrase
Counsel, v. 6.
God, Solomon, his son.
Strong Verse(s)
16, 19, 20, 24.