Proverbs Chapter 23 Summary

Warnings and Instructions.

Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 23

  1. What would be a modern version of verses 1–3? How can you make sure that you are not taking advantage of people's kindness in your life?
  2. Why do you think wealth disappears so quickly? How will you bless the Lord with your money this week, knowing that it could be gone next week?
  3. In what ways have you envied sinners? Why is that lifestyle envious? How can you begin to give up those tendencies?
  4. Why do you think gluttony was such a big deal in biblical times? Is it still a big deal? Why or why not?
  5. Why would it be wrong to associate with drunkards and gluttons, especially if Jesus taught us to love our neighbors? How can we balance these two ideas?
  6. What does it mean to “buy - and not sell - truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding” (verse 23 CSB)? Where are these found? What ways will you seek these out this week?
  7. Verses 26 through 28 warn about prostituion. How is viewing pornography similar to visiting a prostitute? How can someone who struggles with prostitution or pornography begin to repent from it? How can you love and encourage others who do struggle?
  8. Verse 30–35 instruct us about alcohol abuse. How have you seen alcohol destroy people's lives? Does this passage condemn all alcohol use? Why or why not?
  9. Alcohol abuse might not be something that tempts you, so how can you show love and support to someone who abuses alcohol without condoning their behavior?
  10. What ways did this chapter reveal changes that need to be made in your life to better honor the Lord?

Key Words/Phrase

Instruction, v. 12.


God, Solomon, his son.

Strong Verse(s)

17, 23.