Proverbs Chapter 21 Summary

Warnings and Instructions.

Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 21

  1. Have you ever played with a stream of water? How easy was it to change its direction? If God is using powerful kings and nations to complete His will in a similar way, how much easier can He guide your life? What do you need to do in your life to make it more conformable to His will?
  2. In the book of Judges, there is a recurring theme of the people doing what is right in their own eyes. What was the result of this? What lesson can we learn from this? How do we know if we are doing what is right in the Lord’s eyes?
  3. Read Isaiah chapter 1. To the Lord, living a righteous life is much better than sacrificing bulls and rams, and this theme is found all over the Prophets. In what ways do you need to fully repent from sin in your life? How can you commit to doing this rather than asking the Lord for forgiveness later?
  4. Compare verse 8 to Amos 7:7-9. What does it look like to be crooked? How can we know if our lives are upright according to the Lord? What would make your life more upright today?
  5. Proverbs 21:9 speaks about dwelling in a corner of a housetop than with a quarrelsome wife, but this can go both ways. How can the atmosphere in our homes impact our overall well-being? Men, how can you love and serve your wives like Ephesians 5:25–33 so that your relationship with her does not become quarrelsome? Women, how can you serve and respect your husbands like Ephesians 5:22–24 prescribes?
  6. What is the difference between a “secret gift” and a “covert bribe” (verse 14 CSB)? In what ways can you live out this proverb this week?
  7. Verse 13 sounds a lot like “karma.” Is it? Why or why not? Is “karma” a biblical belief? Why or why not? Remember to use Scripture to make your claim.
  8. Read verses 25–26. How can we make sure that we are doing our best to not be a slacker? How do we reconcile this with the fact that God wants us to also rest (via the Sabbath)?
  9. What do you think verse 31 is trying to portray? In what ways can you prepare for God’s movement in your life?
  10. Reflect on the fool and the wise in this chapter. In what ways do you need to change your life to be more like the wise man?

Key Words/Phrase

Counsel (20:5).



Strong Verse(s)

3, 18, 21, 30.