Proverbs Chapter 17 Summary
Proverbs contrasting good and evil.
Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 17
- How does the imagery of a crucible and a smelter instruct us on the nature of God's eyes? How can we know if our hearts will pass His smelting?
- Verse 8 doesn’t seem to condemn bribery, but verse 23 does, so is it wrong or not? How do you know this? When you come across passages that seemingly make the Bible contradict itself, what should we do?
- How many lashes were judges allowed to administer to a criminal according to the Law? How does this help you understand verse 10? What does it take to be a “perceptive” person (CSB)?
- Who is someone who you grew closer to during a difficult time in your life? How can you be that person for someone else in your life today?
- Why would putting up security for a friend be foolish? What would be a better way to approach a situation where your friend is asking to borrow money? How have you seen this break up friendships in your life?
- What do you think it mean in verse 22 (CSB) when it says, “a broken spirit dries the bones”? How can emotional well-being impact our physical health, and what role does support play in times of difficulty?
- How have you caused grief to your parents? What ways can you repair your relationship with them this week?
- Proverbs 17:27 speaks about a man of knowledge exercising self-control over his mouth. How can knowledge and wisdom guide us in making disciplined choices? When was a time when you had self-control and things went significantly smoother than you thought they would?
- When are there times in your life where it might have been better to stay silent, like verse 28 says? How can you maintain that mindset in the future?
- Discuss the contrast between the wise and the fool in this chapter. How can we strive to be more wise in our actions and decisions? What will you change about your life this week?
Key Words/Phrase
Wicked and unjust, v. 15.
Strong Verse(s)
8, 13.