Proverbs Chapter 15 Summary
Proverbs contrasting good and evil.
Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 15
- Proverbs 15:1 talks about a gentle answer turning away wrath. When was a time where responding with gentleness defused a tense situation? This is often easier said than done, though, so how can you remind yourself to do this consistently?
- Discuss the significance of verse 3, which mentions that the eyes of the Lord are everywhere. How does this impact our actions and choices? Is this meant to frighten us or to give us comfort? Why?
- Every child has disobeyed their parents and gone against their discipline. Do you think they had your best interests at heart? How old were you when you began to realize that? How can you make sure that your own children (or future children) are being disciplined in a loving way?
- What are “Sheol” and “Abaddon” in verse 11 (CSB)? How does it make you feel that God has the ability to peer into your heart in the same way as these places?
- Several verses in this chapter deal with the tongue and the power that it holds. According to this chapter, what can your words do? Why do you think there is such an emphasis on the tongue? What can you do to control your tongue?
- Verse 16 mentions being poor, but having the fear of the Lord is better than having great treasure. What does this teach us about the true value of wealth? How much of your day is used by worry about financial problems? How can you give some of that time (or all of it) to the Lord this week?
- In verse 22, it talks about plans going awry without counsel. Why is seeking advice and counsel important in making decisions? Is this easy or difficult for you to do? Why do you think that?
- Proverbs usually have a subject and its reward, and then it compares it to the inverse idea and its consequence. How are the plans of the wicked inversely related to pleasant words in verse 26? How does this help instruct our daily lives?
- Verse 29 gives a description of the Lord’s character. Why does God distance himself from the wicked? How do we reconcile that with the fact that Jesus came and lived his whole life surrounded by wicked people?
- When is a time that you listened to correction? What was difficult about that? What did you learn?
Key Words/Phrase
Righteousness and wickedness, v. 6.
Strong Verse(s)
3, 8, 9, 16, 33.