Proverbs Chapter 12 Summary

Proverbs contrasting good and evil.

Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 12

  1. Proverbs 12:1 mentions “loving discipline.” Why is it important to accept correction and guidance from others? How can we maintain a humble attitude when being corrected? How can you remain humble and gentle when correcting others?
  2. Read Matthew 7:24–29. How does Proverbs 12:3 relate to this passage? What actions can you take to help ensure that your life is built on Christ and not some other thing?
  3. Proverbs 12:4 highlights the value of a wife of noble character. What qualities make someone noble in character? How can these qualities be applied to both genders? Why do you think it doesn’t include any language about husbands?
  4. Verse 10 speaks about the care of animals. How does our treatment of animals (and nature in general) reflect our character, and what responsibility do we have towards them?
  5. According to verse 10, is it wrong to eat animals? Why or why not? Remember to use other passages of Scripture to make your case.
  6. Proverbs 12:11 contrasts hard work and idle pursuits. Why is work important in a biblical sense, and how can we find purpose in our daily tasks? What idle pursuits do you need to remove in your life?
  7. Verse 15 mentions that “a fool's way is right in his own eyes” (CSB). This phrase is common in the book of Judges, so how would this have been on Solomon's mind as he wrote this? If it is foolish to make our own path, how can we avoid making foolish decisions, and what role does humility play in this?
  8. Read verse 21. Is it true that “No disaster overcomes the righteous” (CSB)? How can we reconcile this statement with the various disasters and brokenness that even the most righteous people experience?
  9. Does verse 25 describe your life? What about the lives of those that you love? How can you surround yourself with people who will give you a “good word” (CSB) when needed? How can you try to be aware of when others need a “good word”?
  10. What does it mean in verse 27 when it says, “A lazy hunter doesn't roast his game” (CSB)? How could you apply this to your own life?

Key Words/Phrase

Goodness and wickedness, v. 2.



Strong Verse(s)

21, 28.