Proverbs Chapter 11 Summary

Proverbs contrasting good and evil.

Discussion Questions for Proverbs, Chapter 11

  1. Verse one discusses “dishonest scales” (CSB). We don't often use scales for business today, so what are some modern examples of that? How can you ensure that you are using honest or accurate scales in your life each day?
  2. h: %!s(MISSING)
  3. Proverbs 11:3 speaks about the integrity of the upright. Why is integrity important, and how can we maintain it in challenging situations?
  4. What is the relationship of wealth and righteousness according to verse 4? Is it wrong to be wealthy as a follower of Christ? Why or why not? Remember to use Scripture to back up your claim.
  5. How can we fit verse 8 into our beliefs about Jesus? Jesus was the righteous one, but we (the wicked ones) were saved. Does this contradict Scripture then? Why or why not?
  6. When was a time where having “many counselors” (Verse 14, CSB) benefited your life? How can you be sure that your “counselors” are good and are seeking out your best interest?
  7. Verse 15 seems like an odd thing for Proverbs to say. Shouldn't we want to love strangers? Why do you think this verse is seemingly asking us to do the opposite?
  8. Verse 19 lays out a principle that evil people will receive death and righteous people will receive life. The problem is that everyone can think of good, righteous people whose lives were taken too early and wicked people who lived long lives. How can we reconcile this passage with our own experiences? What principles should we follow when the Bible differs from our own lives?
  9. Verse 22 has some strong language for a woman without good sense. Is this only related to beautiful women? What point is the author trying to make here? How does this imagery drive home his point?
  10. Reflect on some overall themes in Proverbs 11. Are there any overarching themes you can identify? How can you apply these themes to your life this week?

Key Words/Phrase

Righteousness and wickedness, v. 5.



Strong Verse(s)

24, 25, 30.