Philippians Chapter 4 Summary
Christ the believer's strength and source of joy and peace. Giver of victory over anxiety.
Discussion Questions for Philippians, Chapter 4
- Who are Euodia and Syntyche? What is the church’s role in reconciliation and unity? Does your church practice this? How?
- How can you “Rejoice in the Lord always” (verse 4, CSB)? What does it take to rejoice in the Lord in the difficult times? When is a time that you were able to rejoice in the Lord during a difficult time?
- Is your graciousness known to everyone? What are some ways that you can extend grace without being overbearing and making it about yourself?
- How is prayer and thanksgiving the antidote to anxiety? Is it possible to be thankful and anxious at the same time? Why or why not?
- When have you experienced the peace of God in your life? How does this peace guard our hearts and minds?
- What does dwelling on things that are true, honorable, just, etc. do for our minds and souls? What does dwelling on things that are false, evil, wicked, etc. do for our lives?
- How can you show care to someone in need if you don’t have the ability to actually provide for that need? How can you do this for those around you today?
- Verse 13 might be the most popular taken-out-of-context verse in all of Scripture. In context, what does it mean? How does this contrast with the way that it is often used (especially in youth sporting events)?
- How is your church supporting missions? Even though missions is costly and oftentimes takes years to see any fruit, why is it important to invest in missions?
- The Philippian church seemingly gave to Paul so that he could continue his mission even when they did not have much to give. Are you this generous? What are some ways that you can increase in generosity?
Key Words/Phrase
Joy, v. 4.
God, Christ, Paul, Euodias, Syntyche, Clement.
Strong Verse(s)
4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 19.