Philippians Chapter 1 Summary

Triumph of the believer over suffering and persecution.

Discussion Questions for Philippians, Chapter 1

  1. Who in your life is praying for you, like Paul prays for the Philippian church? Who are you praying for like this?
  2. How has God started a good work in you? What do you think your life would look like if it were completed today?
  3. How can we ensure that our love continues to grow? What does it mean for our love to grow “in knowledge and every kind of discernment” (verse 9, CSB)?
  4. How did Paul's imprisonment advance the Gospel? What other examples of suffering have advanced the Gospel through history? How can you ensure that your suffering advances the Gospel?
  5. How can we identify and avoid preachers who preach Christ out of envy and rivalry? Why do these preachers sometimes have large followings?
  6. If Christ is proclaimed either way, why does it matter if a person preaches from love or from envy? God can use that preacher’s voice to change people’s lives, so what is the problem?
  7. What do verses 20–21 encourage us to do? How can we honor Christ both in life and in death? Why is death actually gain for Paul?
  8. Verse 27 encourages believers to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel. What are some practical ways we can live out our faith in a manner that honors Christ? What are some things that you have done recently that might have dishonored Christ?
  9. Paul calls the Philippian church “citizens of heaven” (verse 27, CSB). Why would this have meant something special to the Christians in Philippi? How can we maintain a similar mindset?
  10. Do you actually suffer for Christ? Why is it important that Christians suffer for Him? How do you suffer for Christ?

Key Words/Phrase

Joyful tribulation, v. 20.


Christ, Holy Spirit, God, Paul, Timothy, Epaphroditus.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 21, 23.