Numbers Chapter 9 Summary

Law of the Passover; the guiding cloud.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 9

  1. What event was being remembered at the keeping of the Passover? How is the event of the Passover that Israel experienced in Egypt also an illustration for the gospel? How are the Passover and the week of Easter connected? Because it is a part of the history of God's people that led to the Messiah, how should believers incorporate Passover into their remembrance of God's deliverance of His people from sin?
  2. Why were these men not rebuked for questioning the Lord in verse 7? Is it sinful to question the Lord in times of struggle or frustration? What are some other examples from Scripture of someone questioning the Lord? Describe a time in your life when you brought your frustrations to the Lord and questioned Him. What did you learn about yourself, and what did you learn about the Lord in that situation?
  3. Why was there an exception made for those who were unclean and wanted to keep Passover? Describe a time when the Lord provided grace to you during a time when you were not being as obedient as you should have been.
  4. How was the punishment of “being cut off from his people” (v. 13, ESV) for not keeping the Passover different from the unclean, who the Lord said to “put them outside the camp” (Numbers 4:4)? Were those who rejected the Passover ever following the Lord? Without throwing someone out the door, how do Christians approach someone who claims to follow Jesus but rejects everything about the Lord in their lives? How do we best help the Holy Spirit ‘pull them into the camp’?
  5. Who were these travelers and strangers? How are believers to treat the foreigner and traveler practically in their community?
  6. Why did the Lord make certain there was no differentiation between “the sojourner and the native“ (v. 14, ESV) who followed Him? How is this similar to Paul’s assertion about all believers in Galatians 3:27-29? What is the best way to lovingly rebuke a fellow Christian who you know holds on to the sin of prejudice?
  7. This pillar of cloud and pillar of smoke was a sign of the direct presence of God with His people. How is the Lord present with each and every Christian today according to John 14:25-27? How can believers best take advantage of our Lord and Helper, the Holy Spirit (John 14:26), in our daily lives?
  8. What was the purpose of this manifestation of the presence of God described in verse 16? Describe a time in your life when the Lord protected you.
  9. How did the Lord give Israel direction on when to travel? How do believers receive biblical guidance and wisdom on what direction should be taken in life?
  10. Why do you think that the Lord would vary the timeframe of Israel's travel? Describe a time in your life when the timing of the Lord was frustrating at first but turned out to be for your protection and benefit.

Key Words/Phrase

Passover, v. 2.


God, Moses, Aaron.

Strong Verse(s)

8, 18.