Numbers Chapter 8 Summary

Cleansing of the Levites for the ministry of the tabernacle.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 8

  1. Why do you think the Lord wanted to place an emphasis on these lamps giving light to the lampstand at this time, in the beginnings of the tabernacle functioning for Israel? How would a reminder of God creating the heavens and the earth help Israel be faithful to the Lord and His Tabernacle? What is your favorite part of creation, and how does it build up your relationship with God?
  2. Throughout Scripture, the number 7 is related to completion (Gen. 2:1-3 & 4:24, Jer. 25:11-12, Mt. 18:21-22, etc.). Why might there be 7 lamps to light the lampstand? Why is it important that the light in the Tabernacle be a complete or ‘perfect’ light? What does light often represent in Scripture, for example, in John 3:19-21? Why is it important, concerning the truth of the gospel, that Christians emphasize the ‘light’ completely and not just in parts of it? How do Christians go about this?
  3. In verse 4, how do you think the Lord showed Moses the pattern for the lamps? What is the primary avenue through which believers receive instruction from the Lord today? Do you believe that instructions may come from the Lord through another avenue besides Scripture in modern times? If so, is this a frequent occurrence or infrequent? Also, if other avenues of instruction occur, how might other believers discern that an instruction from another avenue besides Scripture is true and from the Lord? Discuss why you hold to the position you believe. Is your position based in Scripture?
  4. How did the Levites prepare for ministry in a practical sense, and how did they prepare in a spiritual sense? How should Christians prepare themselves for the various ministries they might undertake, from vocational ministry to ministering at home among family? Describe a time when you were preparing for some ministry or service for the Lord.
  5. Why did the Levites “lay their hands on the head of the bulls” (v. 12, ESV) that were about to be killed during the sin offering? How is this similar to someone trusting in Jesus for salvation? How can both this sin offering and Jesus on the cross remind us of the weight and consequences of our sin? Describe a time when you strongly felt the weight of your sin toward God. If you have trusted in Jesus, describe a time in your life when you felt the weight of sin lifted by the Lord.
  6. Why were the Levites presented in front of the whole people of Israel? Why is it important to be a part of a local church? How does your service affect the entire congregation? How might local church congregations operate in a more communal manner, rather than each person being individually separate?
  7. What does it mean that the Levites were an “offering to the Lord” (v. 13, ESV) themselves? Were they physically burned up or consumed? How is Romans 12:1-2 similar to this passage in Numbers? What does it mean “to present your bodies as a living sacrifice” (Romans 12:1, ESV)? What are you doing today to give yourself over in service to God? How are you helping others in your community do the same, as the congregation of Israel once did?
  8. Why is the Lord drawing upon the story of the final plague in the Exodus (Exodus 11:1-10) in verses 17-18? What consequence is implied in verse 18 if the Levites are not given over to the service of the Tabernacle? While there is no threat of an Egyptian plague now, what might be some negative consequences of believers today not serving the Lord?
  9. The whole of Chapter 8 is an accounting of the entire life of a Levite, but none are mentioned by name for their service. Is it difficult for you personally to serve with little to no recognition for what you have done? How may a Christian combat discontentment in service? Is receiving recognition sinful in itself? How does the Lord say that He will recognize our good works throughout Scripture? How do Christians fight the desire for notoriety that leads to pride or arrogance?
  10. Why do you think that Levites were only a part of service from age 25 to 50? What are some advantages to serving with youth and vigor, and then with age and experience? How should local congregations honor their older members by finding a way for them to best serve, as the Lord did through Moses in verse 26? How does your season in life lend itself to serving others?

Key Words/Phrase

Cleanse, v. 6.


God, Moses, Aaron.

Strong Verse(s)
