Numbers - Chapter-6

Chapter Summary

The Nazarite laws.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 6

  1. What did it mean that the person taking the Nazarite Vow would “separate himself to the Lord” (v.2, ESV)? Was this vow mandatory? Has there been a time in your life that you made some special pledge to grow closer to the Lord? What did you learn from that time?
  2. Why do you think that a complete separation from anything associated with wine is included in the Nazarite vow? Is drinking wine itself considered as sinful in scripture? Can alcohol be related to sinful behavior? How ought believers engage in discussion with other believers who disagree with them about alcohol consumption? What is your position related to believers drinking alcohol?
  3. Why do you think that growing hair and a razor restriction is a part of this vow? What is the place for outward signs of obedience to God for believers today? When is it appropriate to give outward signs of inward works, and when could it be inappropriate to give outward signs of inward works? How can believers discern this wisely?
  4. Why would being around the dead break the Nazarite vow? Why do you think there is no exception given to this rule even for family members who have passed? What are some areas of your life that sometimes become a priority over and above your relationship with God?
  5. Why does the passage say that the person under the Nazarite vow “he sinned by reason of the dead body” (v.11, ESV)? How is this different from someone outside of the Nazarite vow who has come in contact with the dead? What are some other situations in scripture where a person is judged more closely because of their position? Describe a time when you were scrutinized more closely because of your position. What are the benefits of this heightened judgment for those in leadership?
  6. In verses 9-12, the Lord gives an avenue to reenter the Nazarite vow after it had been broken. Describe a time in your life when you have failed God at some ministry or service to Him, and he made a way for you to repent of your wrong to return. What did you learn from that time?
  7. Samson in Judges 14-16 was a man under a long Nazarite vow, who killed many enemies of Israel in battle. Was his vow broken in this contact with death? Describe a time in your life that God was merciful and patient toward you when you were not obedient. For fun: what is your favorite outlandish story from the Bible?
  8. What does it mean to be blessed by the Lord? What are some blessings in your life? How do we remain thankful in our day to day for what the Lord has done?
  9. What did it mean to the Israelites that Moses said the Lord will “give you peace” (v.26, ESV)? Did Israel face struggle and war after this blessing? As the Tabernacle is about to be set up, who did Israel now have peace with and why? In a similar sense, what is the main way that Christians experience peace? Practically speaking, how can believers apply this peace with the Lord to everyday life? What areas of your life might this peace overflow upon and change, and how does that look?
  10. According to verse 27, what is the specific blessing Israel is receiving? How has the Lord also put His “name upon” (v.27, ESV) His people today? What are some signs that the Lord’s name has been put upon believers? What should the believer's response be to being labeled and claimed by God?

Key Words/Phrase

Separation, v. 2.


God, Moses, Aaron.

Strong Verse(s)

24, 25, 26.