Numbers - Chapter-32

Chapter Summary

The choice of the world-borderers.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 32

  1. In Scripture we often see a request open with “if we have found favour in your sight”. Why do you think this is so? What would it have meant to have favour with someone? What kind of heart posture does this present to the one making the request. How would this lay a foundation for the request?
  2. What was Moses’s initial reaction to the request of the tribes of Rueben and Gad? Why influenced this response?
  3. What was the heart posture of their request? How did they further display that posture after Moses’s response?
  4. Moses seems to misinterpret the request made to him at first. How does Rueben and Gad’s reaction display the respect they had for Moses and the people? How can this influence the way we communicate with people that misunderstand what we say?
  5. Why did Rueben and Gad make their requests? What would this have meant for their tribes? How would this impact the other tribes of Israel?
  6. While they were held accountable by God, Gad and Ruebens promise was given by their word, not any official contract. How would this kind of promise and commitment be perceived in today’s culture? How does this chapter highlight the reality of being held accountable before The Lord?
  7. How does this chapter promote the importance of establishing mutual trust and respect within your community?
  8. Numbers 32:23, “But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out.” What does this verse mean to you? How does this passage influence the way we perceive our own sin?
  9. Why would they name a village after the name of the tribe leader? What does this teach us about the significance the tribe leader had among his people? How would the tribe have received this?
  10. Why do you think the half tribe of Manasseh is introduced later on as one the tribes that would live on the other side of the Jordan? What does it mean for them to be the half tribe? Where would they fit among the other tribes on that side of the Jordan?

Key Words/Phrase

Inheritance, v. 19.


God, Moses, Caleb, Joshua.

Strong Verse(s)

11, 12, 23.