Numbers Chapter 28 Summary

The order of offerings.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 28

  1. Numbers 28:2, “Command the people of Israel and say to them, ‘My offering, my food for my food offerings, my pleasing aroma, you shall be careful to offer to me at its appointed time.’” (ESV) What kind of image do you get with the description “pleasing aroma”? Why do you think obedient sacrifices were described in this way? How would the people have understood this response from the Lord?
  2. Why are the offerings distributed throughout the day? What is significant about the specific times of day?
  3. What is the difference between a “regular burnt offering“ and other offerings seen in this chapter? Are there similarities between the various regular offerings?
  4. How would the various types of sacrifices throughout the year have influenced the daily patterns the people possessed at that time?
  5. What is the theme of these sacrifices? How can we maintain that theme in our lives today? What are some ways that you have already seen these themes today?
  6. What is the spiritual significance of unleavened bread? What does it represent? Why would leavened bread take away what unleavened bread stood for?
  7. When it came to offering sacrifices to the Lord, what kind of impact would consistent rhythms of obedience have on the people in their day-to-day living? What kind of regular heart posture would this have put them in? How can we establish rhythms of obedience in our lives?
  8. How would these sacrifices have promoted unity, understanding, and a closer relationship with the Lord?
  9. What is a holy convocation? What similarities and differences does this have with the Sabbath?
  10. These sacrifices contain a variety of heart postures, including celebration, repentance of sin, and atonement. How do you see the balance among these different themes? How do they parallel?

Key Words/Phrase

Offering, v. 2.


God, Moses.

Strong Verse(s)