Numbers Chapter 27 Summary

The law of inheritance. Joshua appointed Moses' successor.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 27

  1. Numbers 27:5 states, “Moses brought their case before the LORD.” (ESV) How does Moses display intercession with the Lord in this chapter? What is it like for you to bring your case before the Lord?
  2. What did you take away from the way the daughters of Zelophehad approached Moses with their petition?
  3. What does the Lord’s response to the daughters of Zelophehad teach us? What aspect of God’s nature is displayed here?
  4. What would it mean for Joshua to succeed Moses? Why did the Lord choose Joshua as a successor?
  5. Numbers 27:14, “Because you rebelled against my word in the wilderness of Zin when the congregation quarreled, failing to uphold me as holy at the waters before their eyes…” (ESV). What did it mean for God to not be held as holy? How does God respond to this? How can we honor God’s holiness in a culture that is growing to hate the name of the Lord?
  6. How do you understand the law of inheritance in Numbers? How do you view inheritance in today’s context?
  7. How did Moses handle passing his role on to Joshua? What can we learn from his response?
  8. Numbers 27:20, “You shall invest him with some of your authority, that all the congregation of the people of Israel may obey.” (ESV) How can this verse influence how roles are passed on in today’s context? What would this kind of investment look like in the church today?
  9. Numbers 27:13: “When you have seen it, you also shall be gathered to your people, as your brother Aaron was.” (ESV) What would this have looked like in this context? While Moses was not permitted to continue on with the people of Israel, what would have been significant about being gathered with his people?
  10. Numbers 27:23, “and he laid his hands on him and commissioned him as the LORD directed through Moses” (ESV). What does it mean to commission someone? Why is this an important moment before the Lord? What value do you see in the laying on of hands? How have you seen this look today?

Key Words/Phrase

Appointment (set over), v. 16.


God, Moses, Eleazar, daughters of Zehophehad, Joshua.

Strong Verse(s)

16, 17.