Numbers - Chapter-25

Chapter Summary

Sin of Israel with daughters of Moab.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 25

  1. How do the following events connect to Balaks efforts to separate Israel from their God? What role did their location play in their downfall?
  2. Numbers 25:3, “So Israel yoked himself to Baal of Peor. And the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.” (ESV) What does the term “yoke” mean in Scripture? What does it mean in this context? Where else have you seen this term used? How does the use of this term in this verse help you understand the weight of it in other passage of Scripture?
  3. How do you reconcile with the form of punishment that God poured out on the chiefs of the people? How has today's culture shaped the way we view sin?
  4. Numbers 25:9, “Nevertheless, those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand.” (ESV) Why do you think there is a consistent theme of punishment by plague throughout the Old Testament?
  5. Why was Phinehas honored? Why were the prayers and weeping of the people not responded to by The Lord until Phinehas intervened as he did?
  6. Numbers 25:11-13, “Phinehas the son of Eleazar… he was jealous with my jealousy among them, so that I did not consume the people of Israel in my jealousy. Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give to him my covenant of peace; it shall be to him and to his descendants after him the covenant of a perpetual priesthood, because he was jealous for his God and made atonement for the people of Israel.’” (ESV) What does it mean to share in jealousy with God? What does standing with God in jealousy look like in light of the cross and in modern day?
  7. How does God’s strong response to the people’s idol worship protect them and future generations? What was often associated with idol worship at that time?
  8. What would the way the man came with the Midianite woman into the chamber have communicated to God and the people of Israel? Why would this heart posture have influenced their downfall? Where else have you seen this kind of heart posture?
  9. How could the Israelites have guarded themselves against this downfall? How can we guard ourselves against temptations that pull us away from God’s Will?
  10. How does this chapter highlight the importance of surrounding yourself with strong and godly community?

Key Words/Phrase

Whoredom, v. 1.


God, Moses, Zimri, Phinehas, Cozbi.

Strong Verse(s)

12, 13.