Numbers Chapter 23 Summary
Balaam blesses instead of curses Israel.
Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 23
- In verse 3, does Balaam promise that he will hear from the Lord? How can we be prepared to hear from the Lord if He speaks to us?
- Balaam proclaimed the Lord's message in verses 7-10. In verse 8, he says, “How can I curse someone God has not cursed?“ (CSB). What does it mean to you that the Lord is on your side?
- In verse 10, Balaam says, “Let me die the death of the upright“ (CSB). What do you think this means? What would it mean for you to finish life well?
- In verse 12, how does Balaam answer Balak's complaint? Why should we be resolved to please the Lord instead of man?
- Why does Balak continue to try to get Balaam to curse God's people? What does this say about his character?
- Balaam proclaims, “God is not a man that He might lie“ (v. 19, CSB). Why does God always tell the truth? What would it be like if God spoke, but you didn't know whether His message was true?
- Balaam continues to say that God is not “a son of man, that he might change his mind“ (v. 19, CSB). What difference does it make that we can trust God's nature to be consistent?
- Balaam says about God, “Does He speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?“ (v. 19, CSB). What promises or statements of God do you find yourself struggling to believe?
- Balaam says about Israel, “The Lord their God is with them“ (v. 21, CSB). How can we know that God is always with us?
- Balaam says, “It will now be said about Jacob and Israel, 'What great things God has done!'“ (v. 23, CSB). Why is the glory of God an important aspect of our understanding of Him?
Key Words/Phrase
Blessed, v. 11.
God, Balaam, Balak.
Strong Verse(s)
8, 12, 21.