Numbers - Chapter-16

Chapter Summary

The gainsaying of Korah.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 16

  1. In verses 1-2, Korah led a rebellion against Moses. Is this a wise move on his part? Why or why not?
  2. Korah gathered for himself 250 men in his rebellion. Why do you think he did this instead of making his case alone?
  3. What is Korah's complaint against Moses and Aaron in verse 3? Do you believe Moses and Aaron exalted themselves? Why or why not?
  4. In Moses' response to Korah and his followers, who would make the final determination who had gone too far? How difficult is it for you to trust the Lord with how things turn out?
  5. Korah's followers were largely Levites, whom the Lord had already set apart for special service to Him. Do you believe they were envious of Moses? Why or why not?
  6. In verse 11, Moses accuses the Levites of conspiring against the Lord. What does a bold statement like this do in this situation? What could go wrong if you answer your critics with timidity?
  7. In verses 12-14, Dathan and Abiram voice a similar complaint: that Moses appointed himself as a ruler over the people. Why would they believe this? What would have been a proper way for them to respond to their concerns?
  8. Who did Moses speak to about Dathan and Abiram's complaint in verse 15? Why is this a good example for us to follow when we face people like Dathan and Abiram?
  9. When the Lord was prepared to destroy the entire community in verse 21, what appeal did Moses and Aaron make to Him in the next verse? What attribute of God were they appealing to?
  10. How did the Lord punish Korah and his followers? Do you believe this was a just punishment? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Murmur, v. 11.


God, Moses, Aaron, Korah, Dathan, Abriam.

Strong Verse(s)

26, 48.