Numbers Chapter 15 Summary
Burnt and free will offerings.
Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 15
- The Lord tells Moses to speak to the Israelites: “When you enter the land I am giving you to settle in...“ (v. 2, CSB). Does God allow any doubt or hesitation that He will keep His promise? What is a promise from God that you are assured will happen?
- Verse 2 says that Israel's offerings “produce a pleasing aroma to the Lord“ (CSB). What do you think this means? How do our offerings today please the Lord?
- According to verses 4-7, God has very specific instructions for Israel's offerings. Do you believe God cares about the details of our offerings today? Why or why not?
- Verse 8 speaks of presenting an offering “to fulfill a vow“ (CSB). What kind of vows to the Lord do people make today? Why is fulfilling our vows to the Lord important?
- If someone makes a vow to the Lord, how important is it to fulfill the vow? What is wrong with making vows to the Lord that you have no intention of fulfilling?
- In verses 14-16, the Lord instructs Israel to require foreigners to follow the same instructions for their offerings to Him. “You and the alien will be alike before the Lord“ (v. 15, CSB). What does this say about the nature of God?
- According to verse 16, does God show partiality to certain people? Why might this bring comfort to us?
- What does giving “a contribution to the Lord when you eat from the food of the land“ (v. 19, CSB) teach God's people? What does giving to God's work teach us today?
- Verse 22 speaks about sinning unintentionally. Do you believe the Lord differentiates between unintentional and intentional sin? Why or why not?
- Beginning in verse 32, we read the story of a man who was working on the Sabbath. Why do you believe the Lord ordered him to be put to death?
Key Words/Phrase
Offerings, v. 3.
God, Moses, man who broke Sabbath.
Strong Verse(s)