Numbers - Chapter-11

Chapter Summary

Complaints about the manna and the consequences.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 11

  1. In scripture, does the Lord always get angry when someone comes to Him with a complaint? How is this complaining against the Lord in vv.1 & 4-6 sinful? What is the difference in this complaint and the prayers of complaint Moses makes later in vv. 10-15? How should believers bring our complaints to the Lord when life is hard? Describe a time when you came to the Lord with a complaint.
  2. What does it say about the character of the Lord that He stops the fires after Moses prays for the people? According to verses 1-3 and passages like Ezekiel 33:11 & 2 Peter 3:9, does the Lord present Himself as vindictive or taking enjoyment in punishment? Reflect upon a time when the Lord restored you after turning from a sin in your life.
  3. Why did they name the place of the burning in verse 3? Reflect on a time when you have learned from a past mistake where it helped you fight a temptation, or when someone gave you advice and warning about a mistake they once made that you could fall into.
  4. Others complaining said they had “fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing” (v.5, ESV). What was the status of the Jews in Egypt? What did the fish really cost? How do we, if believers, not fall prey to the idea that our former life was better in some way, when we in-fact “were slaves of sin” (Romans 6:20)?
  5. In verses 7-9, how much did the manna cost? Why would some complain when they are provided for? Has there been times in your life when you felt the Lord’s provision was not enough? Reflect up on the provision that the Lord has provided for you, whether it be spiritual, physical, or otherwise.
  6. Has there been a time in your life when you were despairing in prayer to the Lord as Moses was in verses 12-15? Reflect upon the ways in which God has shown you grace in the low points of your life.
  7. What did it mean that the elders would “bear the burden of the people with [Moses]” (v.17, ESV)? What are some implications we can draw upon this model for the church body today? Reflect on a time when you were overwhelmed, and some brothers and sisters bore your burden. Are you currently overwhelmed and need help?
  8. What does it mean that “the Spirit rested on” (v.25, ESV) the 70 elders? How did the Spirit help these men take care of the people with Moses? How does this compare with the movement of the Holy Spirit that Jesus describes in John 14:16-17? How has the Spirit gifted you in ministering in the Kingdom of God? How do believers best rely on the Holy Spirit who dwells within us?
  9. Why might Joshua have concern that two men were prophesying the truths of God in the camp and not at the Tabernacle? How does this compare with Mark 9:38-41, when John tries to stop someone from casting out demons in the name of Jesus? How do believers guard against gate-keeping gospel ministry when we see other believers faithfully sharing the gospel in a different way than we would?
  10. Who did the quail plague affect according to verse 34? What was the ultimate reason for these people dying? How would not trusting in the Lord lead to death for people even today? What are some effective and winsome ways to communicate that lifelong rejection of the Lord will lead to a terrible eternal death, but whoever trusts in Jesus will have abundant eternal life?

Key Words/Phrase

Complaining, v, 1.


God, Moses, Eldad, Medad, Joshua.

Strong Verse(s)