Numbers - Chapter-10

Chapter Summary

The first march of the camp.

Discussion Questions for Numbers, Chapter 10

  1. Trumpets were used to call the people of God in their time in the wilderness. How are people called to follow the Lord now? How have you responded to God’s call in your life? If you have, describe this call. If you have not, what are somethings you feel are holding you back?
  2. How are the trumpets here in Numbers like the trumpets Jesus speaks of in Matthew 24:29-31? Are you prepared for the trumpet call that Jesus is speaking of? What are some ways believers ought to prepare for this final trumpet call?
  3. Why were “the sons of Aaron” (v.8, ESV), the priests, the ones to blow the trumpet? What are some ways that the people of God today can ensure they are following after our “great high priest” (Heb. 4:14, ESV) Jesus, instead of the call of other things in the world that might lead in the wrong direction?
  4. What are the various ways that these trumpets would be incorporated into the lives of the nation of Israel? What was the ultimate purpose of these trumpet calls according to verse 10? Why do you think it was necessary for these trumpet reminders to be incorporated in so many parts of the lives of the Israelites? What are some corporate worship reminders for Christians to remind us that He is “the Lord you God” (v.10, ESV)? How should believers remind themselves daily of their relationship with God?
  5. What might be the significance of the tribe of Judah setting out first (v.14)? What significant leaders came from the tribe of Judah later? Why do you think that the Lord emphasized the same tribe (Judah) early on, all the way until the coming of the Messiah? Because Jesus would have been the Savior regardless of the tribes of Israel and their history, why do you think the Lord would intentionally draw this line in history & scripture? What are some of the other benefits of the connectivity of scripture?
  6. What does it mean that the tribe of Dan acted “as the rearguard for all the camps” (v.25, ESV)? How was this seemingly low position important for Israel? How is this in line with the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 20:25-28? What are some ways believers can follow this example of Dan and the teaching of Jesus, to take up a servant role? How does this look in your life?
  7. Why might Hobab the Midianite not be inclined to go with Israel at first? If you are a believer, how is your testimony like Hobab’s? How were you invited into be one of the people of God, as Moses invited Hobab? How are you inviting others to follow Jesus? How can believers do this best?
  8. As Hobab was tempted and drawn back to the comfort of his home country, what once or is now drawing you away from following God? If you have followed Jesus, what are some of the “good” (vv.29 & 32, ESV) things He has done that surpass what once held you back?
  9. Why might Moses offering Hobab to be a guide for Israel been a mistake (v.31)? Who and what was supposed to “seek out a resting place for them” (v.33, ESV)? How does the Church make certain they are following the wisdom of God and not the wisdom of man? Recall a time when you followed your own wisdom, or the earthly wisdom of someone else, to the exclusion of God’s wisdom and guidance. What did you learn from this experience?
  10. Why does Moses proclaim and pray for the Lord to defeat His enemies and return to His people (vv.35-36), when the Lord would do this with no input from Moses? How does prayer draw God’s people into a deeper relationship with Him? How are you praying for your fellow believers as Moses did in verse 36? What are some ways you might improve your prayer life?

Key Words/Phrase

Journeying, v. 13.


God, Moses, Aaron's sons.

Strong Verse(s)

33, 34.