Micah Chapter 3 Summary

Coming judgments of the captivities. The priests and prophets rebuked.

Discussion Questions for Micah, Chapter 3

  1. Would verse 2 be true in our own day? Would it be more or less true than it was in Micah’s day?
  2. Does verse 4 trouble you? How might you explain this verse to a nonbeliever?
  3. What does verse 5 teach us about the dangers of deceptive false teaching? How can we apply this today?
  4. Why would God be silent in verses 6–7? Does this happen today? How should believers respond in these situations?
  5. What is the purpose of prophecy in verse 8? Is this normally what we think of when we think of teaching? Why or why not?
  6. Why in verses 9–11 is it wrong for the people to presumptuously lean on God after their sins? How can we learn from this?
  7. What do we learn about false hope in verse 11? Do we have similar patterns of believing in false hope today? How might we correct them?
  8. How does verse 11 show us the role of leadership in causing a nation to go astray? What can we learn about the importance of good leadership in our communities today?
  9. What can we learn from verse 11 specifically about the importance of good spiritual leadership?
  10. What might be the background to verse 10? Is it literal or metaphorical? Are there nations built in similar ways today? What might correcting this problem look like?

Key Words/Phrase

Israel's sin, v. 8.


God, Holy Spirit, princes, prophets.

Strong Verse(s)