Micah Chapter 1 Summary

Jehovah's case against Israel. Impending judgment.

Discussion Questions for Micah, Chapter 1

  1. What does this passage show us about the severity of false worship? What does this teach us about true worship?
  2. Are there examples of false worship today? What are they?
  3. Do the punishments for idolatry in this passage strike you as severe? Why or why not?
  4. How might the original readers have reacted to verse 16? Do you find this verse troubling? Why or why not?
  5. What does verse 15 show us about God's sovereignty and how he acts through others? How do most believers react to this, and how do nonbelievers tend to react to this?
  6. Why do you think the message would be addressed to all peoples in verse 2? Do you think foreigners received this message, and how would they have responded?
  7. Why would the author perform the illustration in verse 8? What is meant by it, and what can we learn from it?
  8. What is the right response to judgement in verse 16? How does this teach us today?
  9. Do you think we think too little or too much about judgement today? Explain why.
  10. How would you describe the role of judgement in the Christian’s life more broadly today?

Key Words/Phrase

Incurable, v. 9.


God, Micah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah.

Strong Verse(s)

3, 4.