Matthew Chapter 9 Summary

Healing of the palsied man. Call of Matthew. Answering the Pharisees. Healing of woman with issue of blood. Daughter of a ruler raised from the dead. Two blind men healed. A demon cast out. Preaching and healing in Galilee.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 9

  1. Whose faith caused the man to be healed both spiritually and physically? Why do you think this is?
  2. Why would it have been blaspheming to say that a person's sins were forgiven? How can you trust that your sins are forgiven?
  3. How can you go out of your comfort zone and make friends with those that desperately need Jesus and his forgiveness?
  4. Is fasting something that you do? What is the purpose? Do we need to incorporate it into our lives? Why or why not?
  5. What “old wineskins” are present in your life? Now that you are being filled with the Holy Spirit, are you living in your old ways? Why or why not? How can you be sure that you don’t go back to those old wineskins?
  6. Compare this story to the same one found in Mark 5:21–43. What differences do you find? Why do you think the story about the dead/dying girl is interrupted by the story of the bleeding woman? What significance does this interruption have? Was the bleeding woman wrong to interrupt? Why or why not?
  7. What makes the raising of this girl from the dead different from Jesus’ own resurrection? Is our resurrection someday going to be different from Jesus’? Why or why not?
  8. Why do you think Jesus told the two formerly blind men not to tell anyone about what He had done? Why does Jesus tell these men to stay quiet and then commission His disciples to do His work in the next chapter?
  9. Using other Scripture, how do we know that Jesus was not driving out demons by “the ruler of the demons” (verse 34, CSB)?
  10. Why do you think Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount (Chapters 5–7) and then spent the next two chapters doing incredible healing miracles? What was his point in doing this? How has Jesus provided for you both spiritually and physically?

Key Words/Phrase

Power, vv. 6, 8.


Jesus, palsied man, sick woman, Jairus, his daughter, Matthew.

Strong Verse(s)

6, ,12, 13, 37, 38.