Matthew Chapter 8 Summary

Jesus heals a leper, the centurion's servant and Peter's wife's mother. Professed disciples tested. Stilling of the waves. Casting-out demons at Gadara.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 8

  1. Immediately after the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus goes into the towns to perform miracles and heal those who have been brought down by the weight of sin. How might these physical healings help point someone to eternal life?
  2. The leper in verses 1–4 recognized that Jesus was someone who could help him, and he wasn't afraid to ask for help even though the Law forbade contact with a person with leprosy (Leviticus 13:45–46, Numbers 5:2). What do you need healing from? What is preventing you from seeking help like this man with leprosy?
  3. In the Old Testament, unclean objects made clean objects unclean. How is that seen in verses 1–4? What is the expectation when someone touches another with leprosy? What sin do you need to be cleaned from?
  4. Why do you think this centurion, a Gentile, had more faith than many Israelites, even though they knew about the coming Messiah?
  5. Jesus tells that people from around the world will come enjoy eternity with the Lord, but Israel, God's chosen people, will not. Did God change his mind? How can we explain Jesus’ words here?
  6. Jesus was concerned with both the physical and spiritual wellbeing of His people. How should that inform us about the way we should do ministry?
  7. Why do you think that Jesus wouldn’t let the scribe bury his father?
  8. The sea is a dangerous place, especially in ancient times. How does Jesus’ control over the wind and waves reveal His true identity? What other times in Scripture does the Lord command the wind and water (and the things in them) to do His will? How does this help you empathize with the disciples’ confusion?
  9. The disciples saw Jesus’ healing miracles, but apparently didn’t have the faith that He would be able to protect them while they were at sea. How has the Lord protected you during your life? How can you show your faith during times like that?
  10. Why might a town who was being plagued by demon-possessed men beg their Savior to leave? Have you met people in your life who have experienced miracles, but rejected them for some reason? How can you use those miracles to point them to Christ?

Key Words/Phrase

Sovereign Christ, vv. 17, 27.


Jesus, leper, centurion and his servant, Peter's mother-in-law, two men of Gadara, disciples.

Strong Verse(s)

13 (a), 27.