Matthew Chapter 7 Summary

Sermon on the Mount, continued. Encouragement to prayer. The two ways. Warnings against false teachers. Danger of profession without faith. The two foundations.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 7

  1. How can we be obedient to verses 1–6 while also being willing to help correct a brother or sister in Christ?
  2. What does verse 6 have to do with verses 1–5? How do verses 1–5 help us interpret this verse?
  3. Do verses 7–11 say that if you pray to God, He will provide it? How should we understand these verses?
  4. Everyone has experienced prayers for good things to happen, such as a brother coming to Christ or healing for a friend, answered with a “no.” How do we reconcile that experience with verses 7-11?
  5. What sort of things might attract someone to the “wide gate”? How can we guard our hearts and minds against those things?
  6. What kind of spiritual fruit do you see in your life? What is the source of that fruit?
  7. Jesus talks about people who say “Lord, Lord” but do not truly know Him. How can we be confident that we are in a true, authentic relationship with the Lord?
  8. There is evidence that Jesus might have been a stonemason instead of the traditional carpenter. How might this affect how you view verses 24–29? What about other passages including a similar “rock” theme?
  9. How can you build your life on the Rock, Jesus Christ? What steps can you take to make that a reality today?
  10. Have you witnessed someone's life collapse like the house on the sand? If you were to go back in time, what might you say to try to encourage them to build their life upon Christ?

Key Words/Phrase

Sermon on the Mount, 5:2. (Two ways, vv. 13, 24, 26.)


God, Jesus

Strong Verse(s)

1, 2, 7, 8, 12, 15, 21, 24.