Matthew Chapter 7 Summary
Sermon on the Mount, continued. Encouragement to prayer. The two ways. Warnings against false teachers. Danger of profession without faith. The two foundations.
Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 7
- How can we be obedient to verses 1-6 while also being willing to help correct a brother or sister in Christ?
- What does verse 6 have to do with verses 1-5? How do verses 1-5 help us interpret this verse?
- Do verses 7-11 say that if you pray to God, He will provide? How should we understand these verses?
- Everyone has experienced prayers for good things to happen, such as a brother coming to Christ or healing for a friend, answered with a "no." How do we reconcile that experience with verses 7-11?
- What sort of things might attract someone to the "wide gate"? How can we guard our hearts and minds against those things?
- What kind of spiritual fruit do you see in your life? What is the source of that fruit?
- Jesus talks about people who say, "Lord, Lord," but do not truly know Him. How can we be confident that we are in a true, authentic relationship with the Lord?
- There is evidence that Jesus might have been a stonemason instead of the traditional carpenter. How might this affect how you view verses 24-29? What about other passages that include a similar "rock" theme?
- How can you build your life on the Rock, Jesus Christ? What steps can you take to make that a reality today?
- Have you witnessed someone's life collapse like a house on sand? If you could go back in time, what might you say to encourage them to build their life upon Christ?
Key Words/Phrase
Sermon on the Mount, 5:2. (Two ways, vv. 13, 24, 26.)
God, Jesus
Strong Verse(s)
1, 2, 7, 8, 12, 15, 21, 24.