Matthew Chapter 6 Summary

Sermon on the Mount, continued. Formalism condemned. The new revelation of prayer (disciples prayer). The law of riches. Cure of anxiety.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 6

  1. Why is it important to Jesus that we keep our giving a secret? What are some practical ways to avoid pride when you give?
  2. Why did Jesus want us to pray in such a private way? How can you keep your prayers focused on Him and His Kingdom?
  3. Jesus says that “your Father knows the things you need before you ask him” (verse 8 CSB). If He already knows, why do we need to ask in the first place?
  4. How does the Lord’s Prayer guide us in what we should prioritize when we pray? How can this prayer reshape our perspective on daily prayer?
  5. If God already knows what we need before we ask for it, how honest should you be with the Lord? What struggles and burdens can you give to Him today?
  6. Do you fast? What benefits might fasting have (besides potentially losing a few pounds)?
  7. Fasting forces our bodies to stay in a state of hunger to remind our minds and hearts to continuously hunger after the Lord in a similar way. What steps can you take to make fasting a part of your regular walk with Christ?
  8. Verses 22 and 23 are sort of stuck in the middle of a passage about wealth on Earth vs. Heaven. How do the surrounding verses help us interpret these two verses and vice versa?
  9. Is being wealthy a sin? Why or why not?
  10. Being told “do not worry” is much easier than actually not worrying. What are some steps you can take to rely on the Lord this week?

Key Words/Phrase

Sermon on the Mount, 5:2.


God, Jesus

Strong Verse(s)

1, 6, 8, 9-13, 19, 20, 21, 33, 34.