Matthew Chapter 4 Summary

Temptation of Jesus. Jesus' public ministry begun. Call of first disciples.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 4

  1. Compare the depiction of Jesus’ temptation in Matthew 4 with Luke 4:1–13. What is different? Why do you think these differences are here?
  2. Why did Jesus put himself through the temptation in the desert? Since we should flee from sin, why doesn’t Jesus do that?
  3. Why did the tempter tempt Jesus with making stones into bread? What was the real underlying test here?
  4. Why did the tempter tempt Jesus with throwing himself off of the temple? What was the real underlying test here?
  5. How should the tempter’s use of Scripture warn us about false teachers? If our tempter knows Scripture and can use it against us, how can we know when our interpretation of Scripture is right?
  6. What other passages can you think of where someone misuses the word of God with the intent to deceive or harm? How might those have connections with this one?
  7. Why did the tempter tempt Jesus with bowing down to him? What was the real test here?
  8. How can memorizing Scripture, like Jesus did in response to the devil’s temptations, help us resist sin and make godly choices? What passages could you memorize as a group that would be helpful to have in your mind on a daily basis? Make a commitment to do that today!
  9. Did Jesus ever perform any self-serving miracles? Why would it have been wrong for Him to perform any self-serving miracles, like making food for himself from the rocks?
  10. Why do you think that Simon, Peter, James, and John were all so willing to follow Jesus? What was the cost of following Him? Does it cost us much to follow Jesus today? Why do you think that is?

Key Words/Phrase



Jesus, Satan, John the Baptist, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Isaiah

Strong Verse(s)

4, 6, 10.