Matthew Chapter 26 Summary
Authorities plot Christ's death. Jesus annointed by Mary of Bethany. Judas sells Jesus. The last Passover. Lord's supper instituted. Gethsemane experience. Jesus before Caiaphas and anhedrin. Peter's denial.
Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 26
- What is the significance that the religious leaders had to “conspire” secretly to arrest Jesus? What does this say about their motives and Jesus’s popularity with the people? How does this relate to “secret” things that we might conspire in our own hearts?
- Why do you think Judas was so eager to betray Jesus for such a small amount of money? What other parts of Scripture reveal the condition of his heart? In what ways might we “betray” Jesus with our lifestyles?
- Why did none of the disciples understand that Judas was to betray Jesus? What does this say about the plan of God and our inability to disrupt it? In what ways have you tried to change God’s course of action?
- How does the woman “pouring this fragrant oil” on Jesus refer to His death and burial? What is the significance of the oil, and what other places have you seen oil referenced? In what way was this a sacrificial offering on behalf of the woman?
- Why do you think that Jesus predicts Peter’s denial, rather than just letting it happen? In what ways can we deny Christ with our words and actions?
- What emotions are present as Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane? Why do you think that Jesus spends these last few hours of his life intentionally in prayer? How does this challenge your own prayer life and your view on the importance of prayer?
- Think about the circumstances of Jesus’ arrest. How do you think that the disciples felt seeing Jesus arrested? What emotions does it bring out of you when you read the account of the humiliation and abuse that Jesus suffered on this night? What does this teach you about His great love for you?
- Why does Jesus remain silent when He is beaten, mocked, and accused? How does His refusal to answer underscore His confidence in God's plan for the crucifixion and resurrection? What does this teach you about having confidence in God in the midst of suffering?
- Why do you think Peter ultimately denied knowing Jesus? How did this impact his witness to those around him? In what ways does “fear of man” impact how you live for Jesus and talk about Him?
- What is the significance of the religious leaders trying to pin “blasphemy” (HCSB) on Jesus? How does this confirm Jesus’s professed identity? Why is understanding the identity of Jesus just as important today as it was then?
Key Words/Phrase
Jesus' last night, vv. 1, 18.
God, Jesus, Judas, Peter, James, John, Caiaphas, disciples.
Strong Verse(s)
28, 41, 39.