Matthew Chapter 2 Summary
Visit of the Magi, flight into Egypt, Herod's slaughter of the innocents. Return of Joseph and Mary to Nazareth.
Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 2
- How many wise men does the Bible say visited Jesus? Are you sure? How can altering the details of a Bible story, no matter how small or innocuous, change its meaning?
- Why do you think that King Herod was disturbed at the news that the King of the Jews was born? Why do you think Jerusalem was disturbed?
- Imagine you were one of the Magi. How would you have felt and what would you have brought as gifts to honor Jesus?
- Compare Matthew’s recording of the birth of Jesus to Luke’s found in Luke 2:1–20. What differences and similarities can you find? Are the differences mistakes? Why or why not? How should we reconcile them?
- What are the meanings of the gifts from the wise men? How do they foreshadow Jesus’ life?
- The land of Israel was supposed to be the promised land where the Israelites could find refuge. Jesus, the literal savior of the world, could not find refuge there. Where did he find refuge? How does this connect to other stories in the Bible?
- King Herod kills all the children 2 and under in Bethlehem. He did many good things for the people of Israel, like expanding the Temple Mount so that more people could worship the Lord. So why might he do such a terrible thing?
- King Herod’s murders should remind us about the Exodus story. What connections can you make in this chapter to the book of Exodus? Why is the book of Exodus such an important book for the Israelites? How else does Matthew use the Exodus story to mirror Christ’s own story?
- The contrast between King Herod's selfish ambition and Jesus’ humble birth highlights themes of power, humility, and a sort of “upside down” kingdom. How can these themes influence our own attitudes toward authority and humility?
- Matthew chapter 2 has four separate prophecies about Jesus that are fulfilled in this chapter alone. Why do you think Matthew has this emphasis in his Gospel? Why don't the other Gospels (Mark, Luke, and John) have a similar emphasis?
Key Words/Phrase
Star of Bethlehem, vv. 2, 9, 10.
God, Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Herod, chief priests, scribes, wise men, Archelaus.
Strong Verse(s)
6, 9, 10, 11.