Matthew Chapter 19 Summary

Christ and the divorce question. Little children blessed. The rich young ruler. Apostles' future place in the Kingdom.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 19

  1. What does this chapter teach about the sanctity of marriage? How does the concept of “one flesh” (HCSB) contribute to the overall purpose of marriage? If you are married, how does this chapter teach you to view marriage? What does it teach you if you are single?
  2. How does God describe marriage in verses 4-6? What can we learn from this chapter about God's design for marriage?
  3. Does this chapter teach exceptions to the principle that divorce is not allowed? If so, what are the exceptions? What would you say is a Biblical response to someone who is divorced? How do Jesus’s teachings in this chapter differ from the world’s understanding of marital commitment?
  4. How can you use this chapter to learn more about marriage, and apply Biblical teachings to your marriage? Why do you think that Jesus was so direct in His teachings to the Pharisees about this subject?
  5. What is God's ideal for marriage, based on how it was "from the beginning" (v. 8)? What warning does Jesus give men about remarriage after divorce? What should married couples do to prevent divorce?
  6. What is the significance of Jesus using children as an example of the Kingdom of God in this passage? What does this analogy teach us about faith?
  7. What is the significance of the story of the rich young ruler? Why was he disappointed in Jesus’s answer? How does this personally impact your view of wealth and possessions?
  8. How is the concept of sacrifice taught in this passage? What does this teach us about the cost of following Jesus? In what ways have you had to sacrifice to follow Jesus in your personal life?
  9. How does Jesus’s teachings on wealth and possessions give you a more eternal worldview? In what ways do these teachings change the way you view your faith and walk with Jesus today?
  10. What does the phrase “many who are first will be last, and the last first” (HCSB) mean? How do you interpret this in light of Jesus’s teaching on wealth? In what ways does this teach you about humility and your life's purpose?

Key Words/Phrase

Divorce, v. 7. Riches, v. 24.


God, Jesus, Peter, rich young ruler.

Strong Verse(s)

6, 9, 14, 24, 26 (b), 29.