Matthew Chapter 17 Summary

The transfiguration of Jesus Christ. The powerless disciples, unable to heal a lunatic, and the mighty Christ. Resurrection again foretold. Miracle of the tribute money.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 17

  1. Why do you think Jesus only took Peter, James, and John instead of all the disciples? Who is your core group? How are you leading them towards Jesus?
  2. Where else has a person's face shone like the sun in Scripture? What is the significance of that? What connections can be made?
  3. What is the significance of Moses and Elijah showing up in verse 3? How do you think that they knew it was them?
  4. Was John the Baptist literally Elijah? Why or why not? Where does it say that Elijah must come first (verse 10, CSB)?
  5. Since this boy is suffering seizures due to a demon, should we understand that all seizures or even all medical ailments are from demons? Why or why not? Why do you think God allows medical suffering?
  6. Does Jesus provide this kind of healing found in verse 18 to us today? Why or why not? What miracles have you seen in your life?
  7. Back in chapter 10, Jesus gave his disciples the power and authority to cast out demons. Why can't they do it in verse 16? In what ways have you been given power, but you struggle to conquer sin in your life? How does this passage instruct you to have that authority?
  8. Does Jesus literally give us the power to move mountains if we have faith? If we’ve never seen mountains moved, how should we understand verse 20? How can a person increase their faith?
  9. In verse 23, the disciples begin to realize the path that Jesus is on, but do you think they fully understood it? Do you fully understand it? Why or why not?
  10. Why do you think Jesus submits to the temple tax collectors? If Jesus tabernacled with us (John 1:14), why would he need to obey the laws about the Temple? Do we need to obey the laws about the Temple? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Transfiguration, v. 2. Faith, v. 20.


God, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James, John, a father and his lunatic son, John the Baptist, disciples.

Strong Verse(s)

5, 20.