Matthew Chapter 16 Summary

Jesus' rebuke of bl'nd Pharisees. The symbol of leaven interpreted. Peter's confession of the deity of Jesus. Jesus foretells His death and resurrection.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 16

  1. Why do you think the religious leaders keep asking for a sign? Jesus just spent the last few chapters doing dozens (if not more!) miracles. What did they actually want?
  2. What is the sign of Jonah? How does Jesus fulfill this? Do you believe in this fulfillment? Why or why not?
  3. Why do you think that Jesus’ disciples were consistently misunderstanding Jesus? If those guys, who spent years with the real physical Jesus, had a hard time understanding everything, how does that put into perspective the need for us to read God’s word and be in fellowship with Him consistently?
  4. Some critics of the Gospels say that Jesus never explicitly says that he is the Messiah. How can you use verses 13–20 to refute that claim? What other passages can you use as well?
  5. Why do you think Jesus calls Simon "Peter" in verse 18? The Greek word for rock used here is "petra." Is Jesus calling Simon the cornerstone of the Church, is he saying that Simon's confession will be the cornerstone of the Church, or is it something else? Why?
  6. What does verse 19 mean? How should we “loosen” (CSB) our grip on this life? How will you commit to doing that this week?
  7. Why do you think Jesus ordered the disciples to not tell anyone that he was the Messiah? What purpose would it have to not share the Messiah’s arrival?
  8. Why do you think Peter, after proclaiming the truth about Jesus, would deny Jesus’ path? Have you ever done something like this? How did the Spirit convict you?
  9. What does it mean to deny oneself and take up their cross? What does it look like for you?
  10. What will your reward look like when you go to heaven? Is everyone's reward the same? Why or why not?

Key Words/Phrase

Deity (v. 16); Death (v. 21); Resurrection (vv. 4, 21); Descent (v. 27).


God, Jesus, Peter, Satan, disciples, John the Baptist, Elias, Jeremiah.

Strong Verse(s)

15, 24, 26.