Matthew Chapter 14 Summary

Herod's troubled conscience and the murder of John the Baptist.The 5000 fed. Jesus walks on the water.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 14

  1. Verse 3–12 are a flashback. How do we know this? Why would Herod think that Jesus was John the Baptist, especially if he had him beheaded? Why do you think the king regretted killing John?
  2. Why was king Herod bound to his oath? Do you think it is better to keep your oath and do wrong, or to break your oath and do what is right? Why?
  3. Why do you think Jesus wanted to be alone? What does that reveal about him? Do you think Jesus was happy to see the crowds again? Why or why not?
  4. Who are the people in the feeding of the 5000? What is different about them versus the people in the feeding of the 4000? (Besides the number of people.) Why is this an important detail?
  5. Some scholars say that the feeding of the 5000 and the feeding of the 4000 (Matthew 15) are the same story. What would be your response to this? How does allowing this theory to exist erode the authority and authenticity of the Bible?
  6. Read Psalm 23. What connections can you make between it and Matthew 14:13–21? How does Jesus provide for your physical needs?
  7. Why do you think Jesus needed to pray (verse 23)? Doesn’t Jesus have perfect unity and love with the Father? How do you reconcile this?
  8. While Peter did begin to sink, he is the only other person in history to be able to walk on water. What does this miracle tell us? How does this relate to John 14:12-14?
  9. In many other miracles, Jesus is healing and changing lives, so what purpose did Jesus walking on water serve? Was it a self-serving miracle? Why or why not?
  10. How do the people of Gennesaret react to Jesus? Who are these people? How does this differ from previous towns he was in?

Key Words/Phrase

Lord of nature, vv. X8, 25, 33.


Jesus, John the Baptist, Herod, Herodias, and her daughter, disciples.

Strong Verse(s)

18, 27.