Matthew Chapter 11 Summary
Answer to questions sent Jesus by John the Baptist. Judgment predicted as result of rejection of Christ. Rest for individuals who put their trust in Him.
Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 11
- Why do you think John the Baptist doubted Jesus? What have you doubted about Jesus? How have you settled your doubt?
- What do you think John’s idea of the Kingdom of God was? How does Jesus’ answer in verse 5 give a better image of the Kingdom of God? Does Jesus want to set up a government here on earth or something different? Why do you say that?
- How is verse 5 connected to the Prophets? How would John the Baptist have recognized this as a fulfillment of prophecy? Why do you think we see less of this today?
- How did John the Baptist prepare the way for Jesus? Was John's baptism the same that we receive today? Why? Since Jesus is the only one who saves, how can we be like John the Baptist to our friends and family?
- Why do you think the people rejected both John and Jesus, who did ministry in very different ways? How have people rejected your ministry?
- The people in these towns did not repent, even though Jesus did many miracles. What does it mean to repent? Is this a one-time thing or does it happen on a regular basis? Why? When was a time in your life where you truly repented from something?
- Jesus pronounces four “woes” to four different towns. How are these towns doing today? What does this show about Jesus’ nature?
- Why do you think these towns didn’t repent after all the miracles they saw? What miracles has the Lord done in your life that cause you to repent when you think of it?
- How can we reconcile verse 27 with the Old Testament? Didn’t Moses, King David, the prophets, and many others know the Father? So why does Jesus say that no one knows the Lord except for himself?
- Read Genesis 47:13–26 and Leviticus 27:30. How does this relate to Matthew 11:30? In what other ways is Jesus’ yoke easy?
Key Words/Phrase
Offended in Christ, vv. 6, 19, 25.
Jesus, John the Baptist
Strong Verse(s)
6, 25, 28, 29, 30.