Matthew Chapter 10 Summary

The twelve instructed and sent out.

Discussion Questions for Matthew, Chapter 10

  1. Why do you think Jesus told his disciples to avoid Gentile and Samaritan towns? We should not avoid any people groups when sharing the Gospel, so why does Jesus make this point here? What Scriptures can you use to prove that all people groups are valuable and image-bearers of the Lord?
  2. For the last two chapters, Jesus has been healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing those with leprosy, and driving out demons (among others), and then he commands his disciples to do the same. Do you think they were ready? Why or why not? Are you ready to share the Gospel? Why or why not?
  3. Why does Jesus instruct the disciples to be shrewd as serpents? What do you think about when you hear the word “serpent?” How does Jesus intend for it to be interpreted?
  4. If governments and kings will persecute Jesus’ disciples, should we be obedient to them? Why or why not? Why do you think God allows unjust governments to rule?
  5. Will God work in a person's life even if you mess up the words you say to them? How can you be obedient and share the Gospel to those you encounter this week? How do you need to hone your evangelism skills?
  6. Fear of rejection and persecution is a real thing that many Christians experience that hinders evangelism. How has it affected you? When was a time when you regretted not sharing the Gospel with someone? How can you make sure your heart is ready to share whenever the Lord calls you to do so?
  7. Who has the Lord placed on your heart? Will you commit to sharing the Gospel with them? How will you keep this commitment?
  8. Verses 34–36 seem counter to Jesus’ mission. Why is the point Jesus is making here? What is the best way you can show your love for Jesus this week?
  9. Giving your life to Christ is just that: giving up your life. Read Romans 1:1 and Romans 6:20–23. Are you a slave to Christ? Are people aware that you are carrying your cross with Christ? How do people know? In what ways can you change your lifestyle to show people that you are a slave to Christ?
  10. Who is being rejected when someone does not put their faith in Jesus? How does this ease your heart as you learn to share your faith more often? Jesus tells what reward comes to those who receive, but what is the reward for sharing the Gospel?

Key Words/Phrase

Calling and enduement, v. 1.


God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas.

Strong Verse(s)

16, 24, 25, 28, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 42.