Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • Matthew, Chapter 1: Generations of Jesus Christ. His conception and birth.
  • Matthew, Chapter 2: Visit of the Magi, flight into Egypt, Herod's slaughter of the innocents. Return of Joseph and Mary to Nazareth.
  • Matthew, Chapter 3: Ministry of John the Baptist and baptism of Jesus
  • Matthew, Chapter 4: Temptation of Jesus. Jesus' public ministry begun. Call of first disciples.
  • Matthew, Chapter 5: Sermon on the mount. Beatitudes. Believer as salt and light. Christ's relation to the law. Divorce
  • Matthew, Chapter 6: Sermon on the Mount, continued. Formalism condemned. The new revelation of prayer (disciples prayer). The law of riches. Cure of anxiety.
  • Matthew, Chapter 7: Sermon on the Mount, continued. Encouragement to prayer. The two ways. Warnings against false teachers. Danger of profession without faith. The two foundations.
  • Matthew, Chapter 8: Jesus heals a leper, the centurion's servant and Peter's wife's mother. Professed disciples tested. Stilling of the waves. Casting-out demons at Gadara.
  • Matthew, Chapter 9: Healing of the palsied man. Call of Matthew. Answering the Pharisees. Healing of woman with issue of blood. Daughter of a ruler raised from the dead. Two blind men healed. A demon cast out. Preaching and healing in Galilee.
  • Matthew, Chapter 10: The twelve instructed and sent out.
  • Matthew, Chapter 11: Answer to questions sent Jesus by John the Baptist. Judgment predicted as result of rejection of Christ. Rest for individuals who put their trust in Him.
  • Matthew, Chapter 12: Jesus announces Himself Lord of Sabbathy Controversy wijth Pharisees. Healing of the withered hand. A demoniac healed. The unpardonable sin. Death and resurrection foretold. Deficiency of self-reformation. Jesus' new relationships.
  • Matthew, Chapter 13: Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. The sower, tares and wheat, grain of mustard seed, leaven, hid treasure, pearl, drag net.
  • Matthew, Chapter 14: Herod's troubled conscience and the murder of John the Baptist.The 5000 fed. Jesus walks on the water.
  • Matthew, Chapter 15: Scribes and Pharisees rebuked. Syrophonecian's daughter healed.The multitude healed. 4000 fed.
  • Matthew, Chapter 16: Jesus' rebuke of bl'nd Pharisees. The symbol of leaven interpreted. Peter's confession of the deity of Jesus. Jesus foretells His death and resurrection.
  • Matthew, Chapter 17: The transfiguration of Jesus Christ. The powerless disciples, unable to heal a lunatic, and the mighty Christ. Resurrection again foretold. Miracle of the tribute money.
  • Matthew, Chapter 18: Sermon on the child text. Discipline in the church. Unity in prayer. Law of forgiveness.
  • Matthew, Chapter 19: Christ and the divorce question. Little children blessed. The rich young ruler. Apostles' future place in the Kingdom.
  • Matthew, Chapter 20: Parables of laborers in the vineyard. Jesus' death and resurrection again foretold. Ambitious requests of James and John. Healing of the two blind men.
  • Matthew, Chapter 21: The triumphant entry. Jesus' second purification of the temple. Barren fig tree cursed. Jesus' authority questioned. Parable of the two sons in the vineyard. Parable of the house-holder demanding fruit from his vineyard.
  • Matthew, Chapter 22: Parable of the marriage feast. Jesus' answer to the Herodians. Sadducees and Pharisees.
  • Matthew, Chapter 23: Jesus denounces woes upon the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. His lament over Jerusalem.
  • Matthew, Chapter 24: Destruction of the temple foretold. The course of the present age outlined; its culmination in the great tribulation and followed by the return of Christ in power and glory. Parable of the fig tree and exhortation to watchfulness.
  • Matthew, Chapter 25: Parables of the wise and foolish virgins. Testing of the servants in the Lord's absence. Future testing of the Gentile nations at the Lord's return.
  • Matthew, Chapter 26: Authorities plot Christ's death. Jesus annointed by Mary of Bethany. Judas sells Jesus. The last Passover. Lord's supper instituted. Gethsemane experience. Jesus before Caiaphas and anhedrin. Peter's denial.
  • Matthew, Chapter 27: Jesus delivered to Pilate. Judas' remorse. Barabbas released in Jesus' place. The crucifixion of Christ. The entombment and sealing of the tomb.
  • Matthew, Chapter 28: Resurrection of Jesus. Jesus in Galilee and the great commission.