Mark Chapter 8 Summary
4000 fed. Meaning of leaven explained. Blind man outside Bethsaida healed. Peter's confession of faith. The value of a soul.
Discussion Questions for Mark, Chapter 8
- Some scholars say that the feeding of the 5000 (Mark 6) and the feeding of the 4000 are the same story. What would be your response to this? How do you know that they are different? Why is it important that they are different?
- Even in the short span of a couple chapters, we have seen the disciples grow in their walk with Christ. How did they behave during the feeding of the 5,000 (Mark 6)? What about the feeding of the 4,000 here? How have you grown in your walk with Christ?
- How has the Lord provided for you? How have you questioned the Lord’s provision? What can you do to remember God’s provision when you are tempted to question it?
- Why does Jesus call the Pharisees and King Herod “Leaven”? What implications did this have for them?
- Why do you think Jesus needed to seemingly heal the blind man twice (verses 22–26)? Did Jesus make a mistake? Did he run out of power? Why is it important to try our best to understand these types of passages?
- Why do you think it took this long for the disciples to figure out that Jesus was the Messiah? What do you think was the moment when they figured it out? Why did Jesus forbid the disciples from telling anyone?
- Why was it necessary for Jesus to suffer and die? If he is God, couldn't he just declare everyone righteous without any bloodshed?
- What do Peter’s actions in verses 29 and 32 mean for us? When was a time in your life when you felt close to the Lord, but then turned your back on Him?
- What does it mean for a person to “take up his own cross” (verse 34, CSB)? How have you done this in your life? What could you do to be obedient to this today?
- Jesus had not yet been crucified, yet he already predicted his death on a cross in this passage. Why is this significant? Where else do we see Jesus’ prophecy about something and it come true? What prophecies have not come true yet? Do you have faith that they will come true? Why or why not?
Key Words/Phrase
Our Provider, vv. 8, 17, 18.
Jesus, Peter, disciples, Satan, blind man, Pharisees.
Strong Verse(s)
29, 34, 36, 38.