Mark Chapter 7 Summary

Jesus rebukes Pharisees. Healing of daughter of Syrophenician woman and a deaf and dumb man.

Discussion Questions for Mark, Chapter 7

  1. What rule were Jesus and his disciples accused of breaking? Where can this rule be found? How does this apply to us today?
  2. We now know that washing hands is good, especially before eating. Why do you think Jesus didn’t instruct his disciples to wash their hands? What purpose did this discussion with the Pharisees serve?
  3. In what ways did the Pharisees “abandon the commands of God” (Verse 8, CSB)? How have you abandoned God's commands? What is the difference between you and the Pharisees?
  4. What does Jesus accuse the Pharisees of in verses 10–12? Why was this such an important command for Jesus?
  5. In what ways have you seen people neglect the needy for the “advancement of the Kingdom”? How do we make sure we don't follow in the Pharisees' footsteps in this matter?
  6. Why do you think Jesus declared all foods clean? Is that the point of this passage? Would you describe your heart to be full of the things listed in verses 21 and 22? How can you ensure you have a renewed heart every day?
  7. Are all traditions bad? What are some examples of good, biblical traditions? How can we make sure that our traditions do not cross the line into sinful?
  8. Verses 24–30 can be difficult to interpret because it seems like Jesus is being mean to this Gentile woman. What is actually going on here? What other Scripture can we use to help us interpret this passage?
  9. Why do you think that Jesus does some actions (like sticking his fingers in the deaf man's ears) during some miracles and only uses his words during others (like telling the Gentile woman that the demon is gone from her daughter)? What significance does this have for our faith today?
  10. Of course, restoring hearing to the man was a massive miracle, but what other aspect of this miracle might be even more powerful? How has Jesus healed you?

Key Words/Phrase

Traditionalism (v. 3), Healing (26, 27).


Jesus, Pharisees, scribes, disciples, Syrophenician woman, her daughter, deaf man, Isaiah.

Strong Verse(s)

37 (b).