Mark Chapter 5 Summary
The maniac of Gadara. Woman with issue of blood healed. Daughter of Jairus raised from the dead.
Discussion Questions for Mark, Chapter 5
- Have you even been so deep in your sin that it seems like nothing is able to help you? How did Jesus work in that situation? Or maybe, how is Jesus working in your current situation? How do you know Jesus is working in your life?
- Why do you think this man was hurting himself? What causes people today to hurt themselves? How does Jesus provide hope for people in pain today?
- Why do you think this spirit knew who Jesus is? What does that mean for us who also believe in Jesus? What is the difference between our belief and their belief?
- Why do you think Jesus allowed this man to go and tell everyone about his healing, while telling others to not do that? What are some differences between this story and others where he tells people to not tell others about him?
- Why do you think we don’t see this kind of demon possession today? Are Satan and the demons still active in the world today? Why do you say that?
- What does the presence of the pigs tell us about the people in this region? Why do you think the demons didn’t want to be sent out of the region? Why do you think this unclean spirit went and immediately threw itself off a cliff?
- Why does Jesus do miracles? What does it mean whenever a miracle is not granted for us? Where in the Bible are some examples of this? What about in your life?
- Oftentimes, miracles are done for somewhat anonymous people (“a blind man” or “a woman bleeding for 12 years” or “a demon-possessed man”), but here we get a person's name: Jairus. Why is this significant? Why would Mark take the time to tell people about his name and what he does? How does this help us understand that this is a truly historical document and not just a book of myths?
- Why do you think Mark interrupts the story of Jairus’ daughter with the story of the bleeding woman? What significance does this story have about the character of Jesus? How should this story instruct us on how to deal with interruptions in our lives?
- What do all the stories in this chapter have in common? Mark is the shortest Gospel, so why do you think he included these stories in his account of Jesus Christ?
Key Words/Phrase
Powerful Christ, vv. 19, 29, 42.
Jesus, disciples, demoniac, sick woman, Jairus, his daughter.
Strong Verse(s)
19, 34, 36 (b).