Mark Chapter 15 Summary

Jesus before Pilate. Barabbas set free instead of Christ. The crucifixion.

Discussion Questions for Mark, Chapter 15

  1. Why is it important that Jesus did not feel the need to defend Himself before Pilate? In what ways does this teach us that we don't always have to justify ourselves to others? How does Jesus’s silence underscore His understanding of God's will and the reason He had come?
  2. What is the contrast between Jesus and Barabbas? How does this exchange of the Perfect for a criminal highlight the spiritual implications of Jesus’ offer of salvation to us?
  3. How does this trial further reveal the lack of justice surrounding the arrest and trial of Jesus? What does this say about our expectation of justice in our world today? In what ways is Jesus’s sacrifice for us “unfair”?
  4. Why are the Romans so cruel and abusive towards Jesus? How does this reflect the moral decay of this culture? In what ways does the suffering of Jesus grow your appreciation for His sacrifice?
  5. What is the significance of Jesus being crucified between “two criminals”? How does this fulfill Messianic prophecy from the Old Testament? Why do you think that God intended for the crucifixion to take place in this way?
  6. Because of the physical toll, Jesus could not carry His own cross. How does Simon carrying the cross of Jesus fulfill Jesus’s command to His disciples to “carry their cross”? What does it mean for us to carry our cross today?
  7. What is the symbolism of the “veil” (HCSB) in the temple? Because of the sheer size, why is it important that it was “split in two from top to bottom”? How does this signify that it was impossible for humans to do? What is the spiritual significance of the veil between God and man being torn apart?
  8. What caused the centurion in verse 39 to finally understand who Jesus was? What do you think ultimately led him to confess this? When was the time in your life where you acknowledged without a doubt that Jesus was who He said He was?
  9. Imagine the scene of Jesus’s mother and other women observing the crucifixion. What would Jesus’s mother have experienced? How would she have reacted to the suffering and death of her own son? In what ways might this bring a new emotional understanding to you of Scripture?
  10. Why did Joseph of Arimathea “boldly” go to Pilate to ask for the body? In what ways might associations with Jesus at this time have been dangerous? What does this teach you about taking bold risks for the Kingdom of God today?

Key Words/Phrase

Crucifixion, v. 24.


God, Jesus, Pilate, Simon, Barabbas, Centurion, Joseph, 2 thieves, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Joses.

Strong Verse(s)