Mark Chapter 14 Summary

The plot against Jesus. Jesus annointed by Mary. The last Passover. The Lord's supper instituted. The Gethsemane experience. Peter's denial. Jesus delivered to the authorities.

Discussion Questions for Mark, Chapter 14

  1. What is the significance of the Passover Festival happening in the context of the coming crucifixion? In what ways is Jesus the “passover lamb” who takes away the punishment for sin?
  2. How does the act of the woman anointing Jesus with oil reveal her worship and devotion? In what ways does it challenge you in your devotion to Jesus? How does this act signify sacrifice?
  3. How does Judas’ willingness to betray Jesus reveal his heart’s condition? What do you think his motivations and temptations were that led him to this decision? In what ways are you easily swayed or tempted to sin?
  4. Why does Jesus predict His betrayal to His disciples? How do you think Jesus would have felt knowing that a disciple was going to betray Him? In what ways have you experienced betrayal? How did you respond?
  5. What are the spiritual connections between the Passover Festival and the first Lord’s Supper? In what ways does our participation in the Lord’s Supper deepen our connection with God and with other believers?
  6. How is Peter’s professed loyalty contrasted with Jesus’ prediction of his denial? Why do you think Jesus specifically had this interaction with Peter? In what ways does Peter’s denial showcase the frailty of our commitment and resolve as sinful people?
  7. What is the significance of Jesus’s willingness to submit to the Father’s will? What does this teach us about bringing our raw and honest emotions to God in prayer? What kind of example has Jesus set for us in the garden prayer?
  8. How does it change your view of Jesus to see that, in His humanity, He struggled with the thought of suffering and death? What do you think you can learn from this?
  9. What is the significance of the disciples abandoning Jesus in the garden when He is arrested? What does that say about the disciples? In what ways are you tempted to abandon Jesus when life gets difficult?
  10. How do Jesus’s responses to the Sanhedrin fulfill Old Testament prophecies like in Isaiah? What does this teach us about the reliability of Scripture?

Key Words/Phrase

Jesus' last night.


God, Jesus, Mary, Judas, Peter, James, John, disciples, Caiaphas, Chief Priest, maid.

Strong Verse(s)

24, 36, 38.