Mark Chapter 10 Summary

Jesus' law of divorce. The blessing of little children. The rich young ruler. The desire of James and John to be first. Bartimeus receives his sight.

Discussion Questions for Mark, Chapter 10

  1. Why would God tell Moses that divorce is acceptable if He doesn’t actually think that it is acceptable? What other sins work this way?
  2. How does divorcing someone lead to adultery in God’s eyes? What should a person do if they have already remarried?
  3. What characteristics of children should we have in our faith? How can you grow in those characteristics?
  4. Parents have such a vital part in a child's spiritual development. How have you seen parents be good disciple-makers in their own homes? What parenting strategies lead children to Christ?
  5. Verse 18 is sometimes used to make the case that Jesus did not believe that he was God. What is a better way to interpret this verse? Why would Jesus say something like this?
  6. What do the 6 commandments that Jesus lists in verse 19 have in common? How does this help reveal the ruler’s true problem in his heart?
  7. Verse 27 is taken out of context very often. When included with the rest of the story of the Rich Young Ruler, what does it mean? Is it wrong to be wealthy? Why or why not?
  8. Is Jesus commanding everyone to sell all of their possessions and give to the poor? What would it look like to be wealthy and a devout follower of Christ?
  9. Using verses 35–45, what should leaders of governments look like when they are in office? Is this feasible? Why or why not?
  10. This blind man called out to Jesus twice with a special name for him: Son of David. What significance does this name have? How does this show the blind man's faith? How is this man's story a metaphor for our own lives?

Key Words/Phrase

Divorce (v. 2), Riches (v. 24), Greatness (v. 44).


Jesus, James, John, Peter, disciples, rich young ruler, Bartimeus, Moses, Pharisees.

Strong Verse(s)

9, 14 (b), 15, 25, 29, 30, 31, 44, 45.