
Choose a chapter to view the questions

  • Mark, Chapter 1: Ministry of John the Baptist. Baptism and temptation of Jesus and His first Galilean ministry. Demons cast out, sickness healed, leprosy cured.
  • Mark, Chapter 2: Healing of the palsied man. Call of Matthew. Parable of the cloth and bottles. Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath.
  • Mark, Chapter 3: Jesus heals a withered hand on the Sabbath. Multitudes healed. The twelve chosen. The unpardonable sin.
  • Mark, Chapter 4: Parable of the sower. Parable of the candle. Parable of the mustard seed. Jesus stills the storm.
  • Mark, Chapter 5: The maniac of Gadara. Woman with issue of blood healed. Daughter of Jairus raised from the dead.
  • Mark, Chapter 6: The twelve sent out to preach. Murder of John the Baptist. The 5000 fed. Jesus walks on the sea. Jesus heals many at Gennesaret.
  • Mark, Chapter 7: Jesus rebukes Pharisees. Healing of daughter of Syrophenician woman and a deaf and dumb man.
  • Mark, Chapter 8: 4000 fed. Meaning of leaven explained. Blind man outside Bethsaida healed. Peter's confession of faith. The value of a soul.
  • Mark, Chapter 9: The transfiguration. The powerless disciples and the mighty Christ casting out a demon. The dispute over who should be greatest. Jesus' rebuke of sectarianism. Solemn warning of hell.
  • Mark, Chapter 10: Jesus' law of divorce. The blessing of little children. The rich young ruler. The desire of James and John to be first. Bartimeus receives his sight.
  • Mark, Chapter 11: Official presentation of Jesus as King. The barren fig tree. Purifying of the temple. The prayer of faith. Jesus' authority questioned.
  • Mark, Chapter 12: Parable of householder demanding fruit from his vineyards. The tribute question. Jesus answers the Sadducees. The great commandments. The widow's mite.
  • Mark, Chapter 13: The course of the present age its culmination in the great tribulation and the Second coming of Christ. Parable of the fig tree.
  • Mark, Chapter 14: The plot against Jesus. Jesus annointed by Mary. The last Passover. The Lord's supper instituted. The Gethsemane experience. Peter's denial. Jesus delivered to the authorities.
  • Mark, Chapter 15: Jesus before Pilate. Barabbas set free instead of Christ. The crucifixion.
  • Mark, Chapter 16: Resurrection and ascension of Jesus.