Malachi Chapter 3 Summary

Mission of John the Baptist, and Christ's first advent foretold. Israel exhorted to return to God.

Discussion Questions for Malachi, Chapter 3

  1. Who is the coming messenger that Malachi prophesies about in 3:1? How do Matthew 11:10, Mark 1:2, and Luke 7:27 show that this prophecy was fulfilled in this messenger, and how clear is its fulfillment? What do you think was the most important fulfilled prophecy from the Old Testament? Would it be right to consider some prophecies more important than others? Why or why not?
  2. Who is the second messenger Malachi mentions at the end of verse 1 and moving into verses 2-5? What is the role of this second messenger? Describe some of the things He does. What purpose does a launderer and a refiner serve? How is this an encouragement considering the work this second messenger comes to fulfill?
  3. Have you ever considered God to be a launderer or a refiner? Read Zechariah 13:8-9 and Isaiah 48:9-11 for a refresher on verses about God refining His people in the fire. According to these verses, what does God's refining process look like and what are the results?
  4. The call from God in verse 7 of “Return to me, and I will return to you” should be a comforting call to the people, even a promise that would bring a gasp of hope. What is their response instead? This response is another of the questions the people ask back to God that shows the ignorance or depravity of their way. Why do you think Israel needed to ask this question back to God? Was it willful ignorance, or did they truly not know anymore how to return to Him? What does this say of one's drifting further and further from God? How concerned should the people be for their condition before God?
  5. In verse 8, God is speaking, and He asks the people, “Will a man rob God?” In what way was God accusing the people of robbing Him? Even in the midst of their evil, in verse 10, God challenges them to obey Him and see His loving response. What does God promise He will do? Name three things.
  6. When God says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse... and test Me now in this... if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows,” is God promising New Testament believers today that if we give money to God that He will make sure to give us more money than we gave and even “let the blessing or money overflow? Why or why not? What principle is being taught here?
  7. What does 1 Corinthians 16:1–4 and 2 Corinthians 9 say about how New Testament believers should engage in the giving? What principles can be learned?
  8. Finally, the last question that is asked by the people is, “What have we spoken against you?” God tells them that they have spoken arrogantly or harshly against God. What have they said and how does it show that what God is charging them with is true?
  9. Once again there is a remnant among those who disobey God. What does God do when those who feared Him even speak to each other? What did the people do in verse 16?
  10. Is it comforting to know that God hears those whose hearts are right before Him and are seeking Him? And not just that He hears them, but what all does He do for those who fear Him in verses 16-18? Do you ever feel that God doesn't hear you? Do you ever associate it with whether you are seeking Him as His Word says? What would it be like if our God was not a personal God like He is? Would He care about our prayers if He was not a personal God?

Key Words/Phrase

Return, vv. 7, 18.


God, Christ, Malachi, John the Baptist.

Strong Verse(s)

1, 10, 11, 17.