Malachi Chapter 2 Summary

The message to the priests concerning their sins. The evils among the people.

Discussion Questions for Malachi, Chapter 2

  1. In Exodus 40, God establishes the tribe of Levi as priests of God. In verses 12–16, one can read of the appointment of the tribe of Levi as priests. What stands out to you in these 5 verses about God and about the Levites?
  2. In verse 1 the word “curse” is mentioned 3 times. In Deuteronomy 28 both the blessings and the curses are mentioned for Israel and the curses make up a significant portion of the chapter, much more than the blessings. How are the curses in verses 1-4 similar to those in Deuteronomy 28:15-68? What one word or phrase describes the reason each group is given these curses?
  3. The curse upon the priests in verse 3 is disturbing. Sometimes it seems like the punishments in the Old Testament can be harsh, whereby the ones in the New Testament may seem a lot less so. Would you agree? Why or why not?
  4. Justice, righteousness, and peace were of particular importance to God when it came to the priests. Verses 5–7 describe how the priests were supposed to act. What specific acts or practices are listed in these verses about how the priests should conduct themselves? In what ways can the people of God practice justice, righteousness, and/or peace toward both those who are part of God's family and those who are not? What ways have you shown these to others?
  5. Verses 8-9 describe how the priests in Malachi’s time were unfit for their position. What specific indictments are made against the priests in these verses? How have they departed from what was described in verses 5-7? Look at the two passages in the New Testament that talk about the qualifications of elders (1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1). How do your pastor(s) uphold the qualifications God has listed for them? Have you considered thanking your pastor for his faithful service to God?
  6. Why does it seem that God specifically calls out this group of people (the priests) over and above other groups in the prophets? Is this common for God to do? Why or why not?
  7. Verse 10 seems like a valid question that could be asked of anyone seeking God. Does the phrase, “Have we not all one Father?” mean that we are all (all humanity) part of God's family, or does it mean something else? What is the significance between the two ways this could be taken?
  8. What word does God use to describe the institution of marriage that the priests are particularly guilty of profaning? What have the priests done that is such an affront to God? Does God view and value the institution of marriage any differently now than He did when He instituted it in Genesis 1 and spoke about it in Malachi 2? How should we treat the institution of marriage?
  9. In Deuteronomy 17:14–17, what 3 commands were the kings of Israel given by God? What was the king to do, according to verse 18, to ensure that he would remember or be reminded of these commands? How do these commands relate to the priests in Malachi 2:11–12? Can the commands of Deuteronomy 17:14–17 only be understood to specifically apply to the kings of Israel, or are they important for all of the Israelites to remember and apply? Why or why not?
  10. What second offense have the priests of Israel committed against God? What does God use to remind them of their sin? Hate is a strong word. What does it say God hates in verses 13-16? How important is it for the people of God to love the things God loves and hate the things God hates? Do you feel that “the church” does well with this? Do you feel that your church does well with this?

Key Words/Phrase

Israel's abominations, v. 11.


God, Holy Spirit, Malachi.

Strong Verse(s)

7, 10, 17.