Luke Chapter 6 Summary

Jesus and the Sabbath. Healing of a withered hand. Choosing of the twelve. Sermon on the Mount. Parable of the house built on a rock.

Discussion Questions for Luke, Chapter 6

  1. The Pharisees criticize Jesus’ disciples for picking grain on the Sabbath. How does Jesus’ response challenge our understanding of religious rules and authorities? How should we challenge the religious leaders in today’s society?
  2. What criteria do you think Jesus used to choose his twelve apostles? How might these criteria inform our understanding of leadership and discipleship today?
  3. Luke 6 mentions people seeking Jesus for healing, and his power going out from him to heal them. How can we interpret this concept of healing beyond physical ailments to emotional and spiritual healing? How or what are we able to share that may help someone emotionally or spiritually? Are you able to share a time when someone was able to share with you that helped to heal emotionally or spiritually?
  4. What are the standards for your happiness? How do the blessings and woes presented by Jesus in Luke 6:20–26 challenge common notions of success and happiness in our society?
  5. Why do you think Jesus emphasized loving your enemies and doing good to those who hate you? How is this different from our natural instincts? What were the results of a time that you demonstrated kindness to an enemy? Would you do it again, show kindness to the same enemy?
  6. How can we strike a balance between recognizing and addressing harmful behaviors while avoiding a judgmental attitude?
  7. Jesus uses the analogy of a tree and its fruit in Luke 6:43-45 to discuss the connection between our inner thoughts and outward actions. How can we cultivate positive “fruit” in our lives based on this teaching?
  8. Based on Jesus’s teaching in Luke 6:46–49, what are some ways we can ensure our beliefs and values are firmly grounded, providing stability during life's challenges?
  9. After examining the Pharisees’ demands to keep the sabbath holy in Luke 6:1-11, in what ways can our adherence to rules sometimes overshadow the deeper principles and values they are meant to uphold? What are some traditions that you keep to maintain peace in your family but would rather remove? Why is it still important to maintain the tradition?
  10. When Jesus selected His disciples in Luke 6, He selected a very diverse group of men from multiple walks of life. Why is it important to maintain diversity in positions of leadership?

Key Words/Phrase

Lord of Sabbath, v. 5. Sermon on Mount, vv. 12, 20.


God, Jesus, disciples, Pharisees, David, man with withered hand.

Strong Verse(s)

5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31, 35, 37, 38, 41, 45, 46.