Luke Chapter 4 Summary
Temptation of Jesus. Jesus in the synagogue at Nazareth. Casting of demons out of man at Capernaum. Healing of Peter's wife's mother and others.
Discussion Questions for Luke, Chapter 4
- What strategies does Satan employ to tempt Jesus? Do any of these seem familiar in your own life? How do you best guard yourself against temptation?
- Why is it important to know that Satan used Scripture in his temptations? What does that tell us about false and deceptive teaching? What is the best way for you to guard yourself against false doctrine like that of which the Devil used against Jesus?
- Why do you think Jesus and His teaching was “being acclaimed by everyone” (HCSB)? What does this say about the effectiveness of the truth that He was preaching? How does this contrast with His eventual rejection by the people in the same chapter? What kind of rejection have you faced for declaring the truth, and what were the circumstances?
- Why did people doubt Jesus, even after He gave evidence that He had fulfilled Isaiah right before their very eyes? In what ways are we tempted to doubt, even when the evidence is in front of us? How does this more broadly speak to our culture’s rejection of Jesus even today?
- Why does it seem as if the people's anger towards Jesus escalated so quickly that they were ready to throw Him off a cliff? How does this reveal the hearts of man? What happens when wicked hearts hear the truth? What is our reaction when we are confronted in our sin?
- Why does Jesus set an example of solitary prayer in Luke 4? What does this tell us about our need to get away and be alone with the Father? What rhythms of prayer do you have to make sure you have consistent prayer times?
- What is the significance of Jesus healing the demon possessed? How does Jesus having power over nature and the spirit world reflect His divine nature? In what ways does this demonstrate His compassion to heal those who were hurting and suffering?
- Why does Jesus prioritize preaching the Gospel over His healing ministry? What is more important? Why do we often see healing and preaching go hand in hand throughout Jesus’s ministry? How should you approach people who need both the Gospel and healing?
- What was the purpose for which Jesus was sent as stated in this chapter? What does that teach us about the balance between social justice, mercy ministry, and the preaching of the Gospel to the lost? How do you find balance in these things in your life?
- What is the significance of the fact that the demons knew that Jesus was the Messiah? How does this reveal the broader spirit world of which we are often unaware? How does this reconcile with Paul's admonition that we are in a battle not against flesh and blood, but against the “rulers and principalities of darkness”? In what ways do you engage in spiritual warfare?
Key Words/Phrase
Temptation, v. 2. Fame, vv. 14, 32, 36, 37, 40.
Jesus, Holy Spirit, Satan, Joseph, Elias, Eliseus, Naaman.
Strong Verse(s)
4, 8, 12.